So here it is. Mitchell Falls. Or if we’re going for the new name, it’s Punamii-unpuu. Sorry, but I’m sticking with the whitefella name today.
The reward was worth the effort – from the Gibb River Road it’s 10 hours driving (return), plus 5 hours walking (return) plus a couple of nights camping to see the Falls. Of course there’s the helicopter option. You can fly over the falls, and even land there. You can fly everywhere in the Kimberley! A helicopter pilot would never be out of a job round here.
The walk in is pretty easy, about 3.7km each way, taking you past Little Mertens Falls where we swam yesterday, then onto Big Mertens Falls. No safety police around again – although they do have a “cliff warning” sign. Thanks for that.

Big Mertens Creek flows into the Mitchell River just after these falls. Then it’s on to the Main Attraction.
Below is the first waterfall of the Mitchell, and you can stand right up next to it.

Just a hundred metres of so upstream is where you walk across the river. It’s only knee deep at this time of year. The choppers land right on the rocks at the top of the falls, so the wilderness is continually punctuated with the hum of them landing, taking off and generally taking in the view. I believe there is a push from Parks to stop them landing at the falls.

You’re not allowed to swim below the top pool anymore, due to cultural and croc reasons, but I reckon the third pool looks pretty good for a dip.