Looks Like a Hole for a Pool – Post No.3

Quite deceiving really. Because it’s not actually a hole for the pool. It’s a hole for the water tanks and pump room which are next to the pool.

Slab preparation - west side.

Slab preparation – west side.

We will have three tanks along this slab giving us 70,000 litres of water from our rather large roof. We plan to use this throughout the house including drinking water.

And then there was plastic too.

And then there was plastic too.

Next up – the concrete.
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The pool will be along the left hand side of the slab in this photo. They will dig out more soil one day soon.

Meanwhile, the builders have made good use of the old BBQ table and umbrella. There were some sunny days back in March when I took these photos.

Builders' lunch room

Builders’ lunch room

The First Hiccup of The Great House Renovation – Post No.2

Our first surprise came when the builders discovered that the big poles they felled were not sitting in the 400mm square holes per the engineer’s drawings from the original house build in 1999. They were actually anchored in a cubic metre of concrete. The worst katabatic winds of the universe wouldn’t have blown them over. This cubic metre of concrete was right where we needed to pour the new slab. And we couldn’t just pour it over the top. Oh no. Too easy to do that. We had to get the Really Big digging machines, and then call in their big brothers too. About a week later, the two 7 tonne pieces of concrete sat on the lawn (and I use the term loosely) waiting for a crane to lift them onto some super reinforced truck much like those you see at open cut mines.

Rest assured, these are bigger than they look.

Rest assured, these are bigger than they look.

They left two rather big holes…………

Where the concrete blocks used to be.

Where the concrete blocks used to be.

This is when we got very familiar with the Builder’s Variation fees. Several thousand dollars later, the Big Rocks are gone, the Big Holes are full of compacted dirt (took two days to do that) and now it’s time to prepare for the new slab. And all the while, they pulled off the bathroom wall.
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Bigger Than Texas – House Post No.1

It all started when we decided to add a bedroom. Then I found a larger study would be good, now that I work from home so much. Got a bit tired of the kitchen. It looked good (if you like blue), but there wasn’t really a lot of bench space. Really! Then came the day I stopped liking the step down to the living room. And I’ve hated the wood fire for a really long time. Not the fire exactly, but the work, the wood, the mess, the cleaning, carrying all the wood upstairs. You know what I mean. Our ensuite bathroom was slowly self destructing with mould and water damage. Don’t even mention the whole yellow and blue thing with the tiles. What was I thinking?

We started with the original draftsman who designed the house. Moved on through an architect mate. Drew pictures of our dreams on many a piece of paper. Over about 8 years (no kidding), we have finally made it to a plan, and better still – action. And did I mention the pool? The spa? Those small items made it to the final brief somehow.

I know I have some photos of the whole thing before we ever started, but they are on some hard drive stored somewhere that I’m not completely familiar with right now.

I did find this one. It’s a few years old, but you can see the amazing wisteria in full bloom. This was before it took over the entire balcony.

Wisteria wonders on the north side.
Wisteria wonders on the north side.

This is where the new extension will go. So say farewell to the wisteria, and I hope to welcome something new to the garden when we’ve finished.


South side - before the mayhem started.

South side – before the mayhem started.

Above is the old look. Just wait till you see what we do!
And below……

East side.

East side.

So they started on the back – or the north side of the house. There was to be much, much demolition and destruction before we ever saw any construction. Here’s the balcony half gone.
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Then they pulled down the big poles. I’ve always loved the poles, but as they hit the ground, they cracked like match sticks. We’re keeping the ones at the front of the house.

Our poles are gone.

Our poles are gone.

The floating dining room.

The floating dining room.

This was in February and we were still living in the house at this stage. I used to make coffee for the crew that was gradually dismantling the place. I could hear them working outside, and must congratulate them on the lack of swearing. Nice.

All But Home, October 4, 2013

We have loved our trip, our time together and the adventures we’ve had. We could keep on going, for sure. It’s been so exciting to show Fergus and Harry all the amazing places there are in our very own country, all the adventures you can have, how to make the most of where we are and what we have, and to teach them about the history of this place. We know they’ve learned so much that they’ll never forget, and will talk about “the trip they did with mum and dad in 2013” when they start planning something just like this with their own children.

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And just for the records, we have

  • Driven ….km (to be updated after the winner of the bet is announced) in the legendary Landcruiser – and just one flat tyre the whole way.
  • Been on the road for 103 days through 3 states and one territory.
  • Stayed at 70 different locations.
  • Been in one helicopter, one sea-plane, one car ferry, one yacht, one really fast jet boat, one more leisurely motor boat to not see whale sharks.
  • Taken lots and lots of photos.
  • Walked, hiked, climbed, ridden bikes, swum in water holes, gorges and the ocean, paddled the kayak, dived for spear fishing and just for looking, surfed (okay, so I didn’t surf) and flown a kite.

Favourite camp sites: Harry – on the Warren River near Pemberton, Fergus – Red Bluff north of Carnarvon, John – Middle Lagoon north of Broome, and me – the cliff top looking over the Great Australian Bight near the WA/SA border.

Favourite memory: Harry – helicopter flight over Purnululu (Bungle Bungle), Fergus – seeing the whale right next to the beach at Red Bluff, John – surfing Red Bluff on his own, and me – snorkelling at Turquoise Bay on Ningaloo Reef.

Next up? Well we have to complete the lap round Australia! Or there’s Alaska, Uganda, Italy, America – to name a few of the ideas being tossed around the car.

Pardon the pun, but “Stay Posted”.

101 Days On The Road, October 3, 2013

It’s only a few days till we get home now. What a fantastic 100 days it’s been so far though. We all have different favourite sights, camps and experiences. There will be stories to tell for years to come.

But for today…..we awoke to a light breeze. Phew! But that meant the return of the wretched flies. We all agreed that these are the worst, thickest flies we’ve had on the trip so far. It was a relief to get in the car. We drove on to Cowell, a lovely old town chock full of historic buildings. From there it’s only 15km to Lucky Bay for our ferry trip. Now I don’t know how this particular Lucky Bay got its name, but I sure hope that Matthew Flinders didn’t name this place Lucky Bay here in South Australia, and then forgot all about doing it and then named the other Lucky Bay near Esperance. Just to confuse us.

We crossed the Spencer Gulf from Cowell to Wallaroo rather than driving up to Port Augusta and on to Adelaide via Port Pirie. It saves about 350km, but I’m not sure if it’s a whole lot faster.

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The Ferry from Lucky Bay to Wallaroo. Last on, first off.

The ferry rolled about on the swell quite a bit, and I was glad to get on solid land. The trip was about 2.5 hours, but the play list of music was only about an hour long. I couldn’t listen to ‘American Pie’ a third time, so I went up to the open deck to get really bad hair.

Once we left Wallaroo, it was like being dropped into another planet. Figuratively speaking. Suddenly there was traffic, power lines, residential squeeze, and humanity in general. Life sure is different on the Eyre Peninsula. At least the price od diesel is under $1.60. We’re camped next to Belair National Park about 10km south east of Adelaide CBD. It’s cold.