Horticultural Happiness, September 9, 2013

It was a perfect sunny day, so we headed into Kings Park in Perth after paddling on the Avon River. Kings Park is 400 hectares of land (that’s a lot of land) adjacent to the city centre and overlooking the Swan River. It is Kings Park Festival this month and the wild flowers were doing their thing. I dragged the boys all over the place – pay back time. The perfume from the boronia plants was just amazing. It carried almost 100m from their bed of many plantings.

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The state emblem is the kangaroo paw – one of my favourites.

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Why don’t they grow this well in my garden?

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They had an area of plants and trees to represent each part of the state, as well as some great example of rare plants. Below is a photo of the amazing eucalyptus macrocarpa – the largest species of eucalyptus. (I think that’s what they said in the blurb).

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Eucalyptus macrocarpa – with flower bursting from pod

The flowers are enormous and the foliage is a silver grey, with the huge branches going in all directions.

PIC gallery 5642, 76, 40 with captions

One thought on “Horticultural Happiness, September 9, 2013

  1. More lovely flowers – I think they only look this good growing in their own home region. x

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