Windjana Gorge, August 5, 2013

Once the heat of the day was subsiding, we started the 7km walk in to Windjana Gorge.
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This place is famed for being a classic example of world geology – being the remains of an ancient reef complex. It’s about 3.5km long, and runs along the Lennard River bed, with walls of up to 100m high on either side.
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We were all a little (a lot, actually) underwhelmed by the gorge. Perhaps because we’ve seen such dramatic landscape lately, and also as we had to trudge several kilometres on thick, gravelly river sand. Our legs are aching!
The best part was seeing at least 20 freshwater crocodiles in the many pools along the way. The freshies are passive and prefer to eat fish, rather than us. Which is nice.
Windjana Gorge