Rocking and Rolling, July 4, 2013

That would be Rolling round the Rock on bikes! After John had a spin round the circuit walking track the other morning on his bike, he found that the Fun Police have realigned the track to be quite distant from the Rock around the north-east side. We know this because John has brought with us many maps from previous trips! So the 1987 map tells the tale of how it used to be.
To avoid the boring bit, John dropped the rest of us at one point with the bikes, and drove the car back to the car park and ran round to meet us.
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John’s bike riding mates reading this will see that Ferg has stepped up to John’s bike (the seat won’t go any lower!), Harry moved up to Ferg’s bike, and I got MY bike back from Harry. It sure was better riding 6km than walking. Now Ferg wants a carbon fibre bike too.
You get up close and personal with the rock wall. There are numerous caves, amazing rock formations, aboriginal paintings on the walls and some permanent water pools.
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It was a perfect morning, still a bit chilly in the shade, and no wind.
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I took a moment to rest my weary knees on one of these handmade timber seats.
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